what a day


kemarin hari yang bikin campur aduk emosi.

ah, Tuhan.
bisa ya, ada satu hari dimana ada begitu banyak kebahagiaan dan kekecewaan dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
dimana kata 'selamat' diikuti dengan kata 'semangat', saling bergantian.

aaaaah i'm going to give this to you all my friendsssss *hugshugshugs*
i join in your happiness all, i join in your sadness as well.
though i'm just one more people to appear in your timeline, or appear in your inbox, or whatever,
but really from my deepest heart, i am so, so much concerned about you all
i want to add up your happiness and i want to encourage you to feel better,
though i'll just end up being another one in your timeline, or in your inbox, or whatever

aaaaah ya Tuhan
either what You had chosen for us all is the one we have always wanted or not, please help us to see, beyond the euphoric feeling or beyond the disappointment, the beauty of the path You had chosen.
please help us cope with our emotions.
and always learn to be grateful :)

terimakasih Tuhan untuk pengalaman batin yang luar biasa kayak gini.
sekali lagi ah cinicini mau peyuuuuk temen-temeeeeen *hugs*