Archive for September 2012

Expectation is massively related to circumstances.
When you have a continuous and seemingly normal situation, it becomes the level at which you define 'ordinary'. Raise the bar few more levels and you have expectation. We are always expecting high, higher than what we commonly have.

Hence why expectation isn't comparable among people whose circumstances differ from each other. Why stretching our own condition and easily assuming people will submit to it? Our conditions differ, our ideals differ, why going by the same values? Sometimes we are getting waaay overboard which such self-centered way of thinking.

Why not up your chin, stand and be your own company just like some primes who never need dividing. Nothing he shall need but one and his own. That said, doesn't he fit in still when you count, for it's as natural as one who comes after the other.

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
How much I love this song is beyond words.

Ever wonder why people celebrate 16/17 hard?
Perhaps because they think they are well into the age of maturity, but in reality they're not mature enough to understand that maturity does not need extravagant celebration.

Good evening/morning,

I was trying to get myself to sleep but I couldn't. Gave up and ended up here again.
Habis randomly baca archive superrr lama di blog ini. Lama, as in 2009, 2008, ya tahun2 segitu deh.
Setiap kali habis baca2 random gini, rasanya kayak tersentak sendiri gitu. The difference of my posts are really striking. Kontras, rasanya bener2 jauh bgt deh pokoknya. Like reading posts from two polarized characters gitu.
Rasanya kayak habis lihat hitam (hahahaha agak aneh juga pake warna hitam jd analogi, asosiasinya jd negatif gitu), dan langsung skip ke... gak putih sih. Abu-abu terang mungkin. Beda banget kalo langsung diliat kayak gitu, padahal sebenernya diantara dua warna itu ada berpuluh-puluh shades warna yang gradasinya lebih halus. Yang kalo diliat berurutan, bikin gak sadar betapa kontrasnya si hitam yang tadi dengan si abu-abu muda itu.
It doesn't mean the difference is an outright black and white. Gak segamblang itu kok. Dari dulu, every once in a while I made post which has the same tone as my present posts. Cuma sekarang, rasanya hasrat untuk jadi naratif dan deskriptif (kayak post kayak gini, if someone makes a bet for my blog content then he can bet for posts like this at 1/100 odds :p) sangat sangat jauh berkurang. Yah, people change. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, bertambah temen, banyak kejadian-kejadian penting dalam hidup, semua pengalaman itu terakumulasi dan membentuk perubahan sama karakter seseorang. If you start from white, every events occurred in your life adds a drip of color to your white. Pelan tapi pasti, we change and change and change.
Whether it's better or not prior to the previous, you're the judge.

"I am so sad right now."
"Aw, why? Cheer up..." said nobody.

I think the main flaw of micro/macro blogging in form of social networking site is, sometimes you write something wanting to inspire people, but in the process you end up trying to impress people instead.

It's not wrong, but sometimes you can tell when someone has a genuine intention but just overdo it. All of us would surely fancy some likes (and retweets, in case of microblogging), but by no means we should scream for it. Be yourself, don't run around looking for the spotlight, the cream always rises to the top anyway.

This year's race weekend is underway at Singapore!
Still saving money.... Wait for me 2014!! \:D/ \:D/ Bang Kimi jgn pensiun dulu pelissss :3

the hardest part of initiating a "serious talk", is to quit the pretense.
because when we talk about something, we admit something exists.

and somehow it's easier to look elsewhere, anywhere but not the big one there.

Dulu, udah agak lama, pas lagi stumbling2 website, sempet ketemu suatu artikel. Lupa asalnya dari website apa, kalo gak salah sih thoughtcatalog. Open article gt soalnya, bebas submit kalo ga salah.
Artikel itu tuh bahas tentang fungsi bahasa. A thought about language and what it means, which is triggered by the writer's disagreement to people's overreaction to language misuse.
Jadi ceritanya si writer dari artikel ini tuh kerja di toko roti. And he was deeply gutted by the way their friends always roll their eyes to people who order 'croissant' and pronounce it 'kroysen' instead of 'kroazong' which is roughly the way it should be pronounced in French.
The point of his argument is, kenapa sih orang menjadikan bahasa sebagai some sort of prestige? He thought, the meaning of language has deviated from its very basic function, which is to convey meaning. So why should we roll eyes to people who mispronounce 'croissant' which is a native language to his tongue, while the idea is actually conveyed? Kedua pihak sama-sama mengerti maksudnya croissant even though he didn't pronounce it correctly. It's not his native language, just let that one pass.
I am practically someone who *always* *unconsciously!* rolls eyes at people who either mispronounce words, or misspell it, or write something with a disturbingly messy grammar. So... pas baca artikel itu lumayan tersindir juga sih. I can't say I agree with it, because I still stand on my opinion that language is indeed important and it's a reflection of yourself. It is meant to convey meaning, but at the same time also become the way to present yourself to people. Like it or not, people will judge you based on your language. Has the language's function deviated? I don't think so, from the very first time language is a part of our mannerism. The way we deliver ourself in speech is as prone to judging as our behavior and manners. So... well we should live with that!
But at the same time.. aku baru ngerasain lagi sih rasanya jadi orang yang belajar bahasa dari nol lagi. Pas coba-coba bikin kalimat, ngerjain soal, ngerasain susahnya... susah bangetttt. Rasa-rasanya udah bener-bener berusaha semaksimal mungkin but then my grammar and vocab are still wrong on soooo many levels. And I definitely don't want people to roll eyes on me for that... I beg understandings, I'm still learning. Which makes me rethink.......... I think I am being too intolerant. People are all learning and each one is on different levels. And if we take aside all those prestiges of languages, and go back to the very basic meaning... if the meaning is conveyed then the language has done its job; it's good enough.

Harper Seven Beckham. Kid's so cute!
p.s. I hope Victoria Beckham won't pull a Suri Cruise on her. Just please let her be cute until she's old enough to be all posh and beautiful. Please.

Sounds were mere voices,
to which the ears would hear but not listen,
thine voice arrived, thine words passed.
for thou hast let out thine sounds but not thee.

/via skype
f: ce gw lg ngerjain tugas ilus buku anak
f: cari-cari foto anak 4 taun gt
f: jadi ngepoin anak2 artis
a: gw ajah :3
f: lucu bets
f: anak2nya beckham lucu2
a: ah iyahhh
a: anaknya lucu
f: yg cewe lucu si harper seven
f: yg cowo2 juga
f: ky al el dul nya inggris gitu

...dan chat skype gw yg terakhir pun sukses bikin acek kesel. haha dipikir2 jd kesel sendiri jg sih.

lagi bosen ngerjain tugas terus main akinator, tebak2 karakter gitu hahahaha dia hebat loh bisa tau aku pikirin siapa...

terus jadinya tebak2an terus haha (kapan nerusin tugasnya)

Admit it, the greatest part of taking any "know-yourself-better" quizzes, self-analysis through pictures and graphology, or reading astrology is not really in finding answers to our curiosity and need of explanation of self, but actually in nodding in agreement to whatever seems fitting to our own view of ourselves.

Because merely speaking about oneself is not too convincing; its relieving to hear something that can make it justifiable. Hence the need of the quizzes, the analysis, and all of those sorts. Perhaps to make it look as if we are agreeing to someone talking about us rather than making the thought up alone. The idea of the very judgement we agree upon has actually existed in our minds even before we heard about it, right?

It's not wrong, I too am very excited in such things. But the way how we supposedly ignore the result that is not to our liking but then take the ones that we see fit very seriously, it's very amusing. Bunch of hypocrites we are in doing so, aren't we?

His loves were already long falling, but sadness still streamed through his long, slender fingers,

reaching, seeking,

But for the arrogance of the bones lining up his vertebras, he would've for a thousand times kisses his drying, dying loves.

      He could only go as far as his vanity allowed him. Granted, pity had the look at him but he was wise enough not to lose to it,

he knew full well, albeit loads of longing he felt he could just break his bones and go greet the love of his life, he could die whilst so,

and so his loves would crunch apart at the first tip of his greedy kisses.

      Perhaps, vanity for this once was keeping him safe.

It could not have helped him from the sullen, bitter frown, but come another dawn he survived,
each surviving day adding his many wishes, may the first of year's rain soon come.

Today's race was pretty crazy after 5-weeks summer break.
First Maldonado jump started big time, then Grosjean decided to play F1 car bowling, crashed into Hamilton, took 4 people out of the race (including Hamilton and Alonso) then retired himself. Button drove off into the sunset, Kimi was dead slow in the beginning but then pulled out one of the most beautiful overtake I've ever seen on the entry of Eau Rouge. Vettel pulled out series of ballsy non-DRS overtakes and stormed from 12th to 2nd, that boy has great racecraft doesn't he?
A Kimi win would have been an icing on the cake, but third is still well done for him.
Spa-Francorchamps is definitely the best circuit on the calendar. Definitely.