
Nine years after.
I felt like I was watching a post-epilogue chapter. A chapter usually left out unknown, unpublished. Maybe because part of us don't really want a reminding that time doesn't freeze at the happiest moment of our lives, that we won't live in our twenties or thirties forever. There would come times when things get dull, or very messy and not really sweet, and when the script of our lives isn't really a blockbuster-material script anymore. The part we tend to skip while daydreaming about the future.
It isn't diamonds and roses but maybe it's as close to real life as it could be. It's sometimes just a huge mess and a huge crap. The part of life we're not really keen to know, but it happens. We just aren't fond  of thinking about it.
This movie, the (maybe) last of the trio of Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight. It leaves a lot in mind to think about. The most intriguing out of the trilogy, in my opinion.