
just taken some random quiz at, there you can paste some of your writings (in English) and compare it to many author's writing, and discover which author your writings are similar to!
i tried twice, the first one i copy pasted this post, then I get James Joyce (he wrote Ulysses which many say is a great work, I haven't read it though).
then i copy pasted this post, simply because of all my recent posts that one is perhaps the one i like the most, and guess what I got??

I write like
Jane Austen
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

awwww so happy!! ♥♥♥ can i take it as a compliment? to be fair, though, i did write the post after i read Jane Eyre which has more or less similar style to her works, so i don't write like that pretty often, but i do hope that i can write like her... Jane Austen!