
Q: You clocked the best time on day one at Jerez. Was it because of a magic car or a magic Kimi?
Kimi Raikkonen: 
Ha, I don’t really know. On the first day the car was good, but I have to say that on the second day it was even better. If it only set the fifth-best time then it was down to the fact that we tried different things. But, for sure, coming back to the real Formula One world and immediately doing the best time on the first day of testing was not bad. It was a nice warm feeling for the ego. But, of course, to really classify what the time was worth you would need to know what programme everybody else was running on. And don’t we all know that the times only really matter when we are in a real race? So, yes, it was nice, but don’t overestimate things! (laughs)

it was a nice warm feeling for the ego
entah kenapa kalimat ini membekas banget. membekasnya kenapa dan memancing pikiran apa, susah dijelasinnya. yang jelas, gw berhenti sejenak setelah kalimat itu. tertukas tandas, rasa puas yang menggelitik itu, yang membuat kita memendam senyum mati-matian di balik kata-kata kerendahhatian dan sikap sok tidak peduli yang dipaksakan: rasa puas atas ego yang termanjakan.