what i saw yesterday afternoon


one lesson for me. and am so keen to share this to you all. this is about the importance of love and affection. not only between couples, but also family, relatives, and so.

kemaren siang saya ke rumah nenek, dan kebetulan di rumah nenek ada uwa (kakak dari ayah) yg tertua. beliau berdua usianya memang sudah lumayan lanjut (apalagi nenek saya (yaiyalah)). pas saya dateng, mereka berdua lagi ngobrol.
kalau denger obrolan antara mereka berdua, mungkin agak bikin ketawa miris juga ya. bayangin aja dua orang ngobrol, one talked about banana while the other talked about coffee. two different things, yet they kept on talking to each other. walaupun gak nyambung sama sekali. mungkin kaya gitu namanya two way monologue.
my mother said, 'heran ya, gak nyambung obrolannya beda banget, tapi masih terus ngobrol'
oke, bukan bagian situ yang mau saya tekenin. bagian itu cuma pemancing pikirannya aja. something that rings the bell in my head.

saya bukan orang yang melebih-lebihkan cinta dalam suatu hubungan. penting, tapi ga sekrusial itu buat saya. i mean, a relationship without too much love still makes sense for me. tapi, take a look at these old people. what still keeps them together, caring each other, and willing to be each other's burden if it's not love? they no longer have money, wealth, good look, health, and even intelligence. but they still have it, the bond between them. saling menguatkan satu sama lain, stick together. their reasons of togetherness can no longer be described by logic. here is obvious, the importance of love and affection. that's the only thing left, that's the only thing they have. it may also be the only reason left to hold on. to live on, for the people we all love.

i want my old days to be like that, too. it's okay to lose everything else, but i want to have that strong feeling of love that strengthen me, that makes me hold on, and other ones who have the same feeling for me to be able to be beside me until the very end. isn't it good? really good? nah.

thank you grandma, of the lesson you gave me :)