
sedikit midnight bluff yuk, berhubung gw asalnya berniat mau tidur tapi ternyata belum ngantuk samsek dan jadi mikir macem2 (cie banyak pikiran).

as much as i hate the cheesy dramas or teenlit novels, i have to admit that they play the big part of shaping our opinion. seberapa sering sih lo baca teenlit yang tokoh hero-nya (kayak the school idol, dll dll gt) adalah cowok lurus dan cowok ppkn? the spotlight falls to those bad-boy types, the ones who keep skipping school and behaving improperly yet miraculously always score high grades. it rarely falls to the guys who actually work hard to earn their prizes. which explains why sometimes we like to pretend we didn't put much effort into our grades even when we actually do; so that when we get good grades it will impress more. i believe it wasn't the intention, but we are made to worship the gifted (or even the failed!) - not the hardworkers. and we are made to think of the ppkn-type as just plain boring (or even annoying). what a contrast to our elementary times, when we think high-and-mighty of the norm of society.

as we grow, we gradually throw apart our ppkn-idealism and, aware or not, we actually detest those who stick to them. di dunia nyata, si anak yang rajin belajar, berbakti pada orangtua dan guru, suka menolong yang membutuhkan dan menegur yang berbuat tercela, ternyata bukan anak supel dan punya banyak teman tapi si anak cari muka ambisius menyebalkan - the contrary of what we learn all this time. how could it be?

mungkin itu juga lebih ke mankind's nature kali ya; when shown one way we always seek another, we always feel challenged to everything that marked 'forbidden'. we seek thrills, our guts like danger. in the end, does not the darkness shine curiosity? i think it's just one of our nature to find imperfection captivating - that having something off the norm makes it look more exciting.