5 reasons i still use blogger


  1. when i reactivated it on october 2008, i really intended to just stay with this blog. and really, it's SUPER hard to leave this one.
  2. this blog is my other self. i shared half of my thoughts here, i left parts of my life here. this is me, no exaggeration here.
  3. i like the feeling of being alone. i don't know why, i get it here. i feel alone whenever i open this blog. and please note, that alone doesn't always mean lonely.
  4. i love my time machine here :) old posts that carry out old memories, irreplaceable :))))
  5. and lastly, i love how blogger is not designed like social networking site. i love the fact that only a few people is still using blogger, and that my posts won't appear in someone else's home screen. somehow i always prefer not knowing that other people is reading my blog, i like the feel that my posts are mine, and i write for myself :)

i love you, blogger :*