
haha. i'm done.

thanks God, it was difficult, but other people say the same thing too, so i think that's not a big problem.
well my performance was 'not safe' for some, hmm most maybe, sections. but the others went quite 'okay'. no outstanding, unfortunately haha.

sekarang, setengah tawakal, seperempat pasrah, seperempat lagi................ pesimis. haha.
dan kayanya ga terlalu mikirin hasilnya nanti gmn deh haha yaudahsih enjoy my life aja gausah harap-harap cemas nunggu pengumuman ah.
mau main piano aja sampe tangan potong haha lebay jg tangan potong.
someone ajarin progresi kord jazz doooong haha pokonya mau main myuseeeeeeeeggggg sampe mampus ah