how i want to be like you
by fathina diyanissa
this thoughtful friend of mine, he thinks before he acts. he chooses his words before he speaks. when he is mad, he is wise enough not to make other people bothered by his could-be-uncontrolled emotions. when he is happy, he is strong enough not to let his happiness over comforts him. everytime he feels he is in better state of mind and becomes a better person, he knows that it hasn't been the best - and therefore he never stops learning and introspecting self. he sets his goal high, and works so hard to achieve it. he always tries to broaden his knowledge. when he feels curious about something, he will ask to find out the answer. when he has got the best answer, he is kind enough to share it to his relatives. me included, although i never feel that all the knowledge he has shared with me is traded enough with mine. when he has problem, he is focused not on how the problem can knock him down, but on how solving the problem can make him stronger. and when he is down, he knows he is capable to eventually stand up once again on his own, and he actually does. he beats himself.