
Dulu, udah agak lama, pas lagi stumbling2 website, sempet ketemu suatu artikel. Lupa asalnya dari website apa, kalo gak salah sih thoughtcatalog. Open article gt soalnya, bebas submit kalo ga salah.
Artikel itu tuh bahas tentang fungsi bahasa. A thought about language and what it means, which is triggered by the writer's disagreement to people's overreaction to language misuse.
Jadi ceritanya si writer dari artikel ini tuh kerja di toko roti. And he was deeply gutted by the way their friends always roll their eyes to people who order 'croissant' and pronounce it 'kroysen' instead of 'kroazong' which is roughly the way it should be pronounced in French.
The point of his argument is, kenapa sih orang menjadikan bahasa sebagai some sort of prestige? He thought, the meaning of language has deviated from its very basic function, which is to convey meaning. So why should we roll eyes to people who mispronounce 'croissant' which is a native language to his tongue, while the idea is actually conveyed? Kedua pihak sama-sama mengerti maksudnya croissant even though he didn't pronounce it correctly. It's not his native language, just let that one pass.
I am practically someone who *always* *unconsciously!* rolls eyes at people who either mispronounce words, or misspell it, or write something with a disturbingly messy grammar. So... pas baca artikel itu lumayan tersindir juga sih. I can't say I agree with it, because I still stand on my opinion that language is indeed important and it's a reflection of yourself. It is meant to convey meaning, but at the same time also become the way to present yourself to people. Like it or not, people will judge you based on your language. Has the language's function deviated? I don't think so, from the very first time language is a part of our mannerism. The way we deliver ourself in speech is as prone to judging as our behavior and manners. So... well we should live with that!
But at the same time.. aku baru ngerasain lagi sih rasanya jadi orang yang belajar bahasa dari nol lagi. Pas coba-coba bikin kalimat, ngerjain soal, ngerasain susahnya... susah bangetttt. Rasa-rasanya udah bener-bener berusaha semaksimal mungkin but then my grammar and vocab are still wrong on soooo many levels. And I definitely don't want people to roll eyes on me for that... I beg understandings, I'm still learning. Which makes me rethink.......... I think I am being too intolerant. People are all learning and each one is on different levels. And if we take aside all those prestiges of languages, and go back to the very basic meaning... if the meaning is conveyed then the language has done its job; it's good enough.