Archive for March 2011

perasaan ke orang lain itu kayak energi. kekal, ga mungkin hilang. cuma berubah bentuknya aja.

what i saw yesterday afternoon

one lesson for me. and am so keen to share this to you all. this is about the importance of love and affection. not only between couples, but also family, relatives, and so.

kemaren siang saya ke rumah nenek, dan kebetulan di rumah nenek ada uwa (kakak dari ayah) yg tertua. beliau berdua usianya memang sudah lumayan lanjut (apalagi nenek saya (yaiyalah)). pas saya dateng, mereka berdua lagi ngobrol.
kalau denger obrolan antara mereka berdua, mungkin agak bikin ketawa miris juga ya. bayangin aja dua orang ngobrol, one talked about banana while the other talked about coffee. two different things, yet they kept on talking to each other. walaupun gak nyambung sama sekali. mungkin kaya gitu namanya two way monologue.
my mother said, 'heran ya, gak nyambung obrolannya beda banget, tapi masih terus ngobrol'
oke, bukan bagian situ yang mau saya tekenin. bagian itu cuma pemancing pikirannya aja. something that rings the bell in my head.

saya bukan orang yang melebih-lebihkan cinta dalam suatu hubungan. penting, tapi ga sekrusial itu buat saya. i mean, a relationship without too much love still makes sense for me. tapi, take a look at these old people. what still keeps them together, caring each other, and willing to be each other's burden if it's not love? they no longer have money, wealth, good look, health, and even intelligence. but they still have it, the bond between them. saling menguatkan satu sama lain, stick together. their reasons of togetherness can no longer be described by logic. here is obvious, the importance of love and affection. that's the only thing left, that's the only thing they have. it may also be the only reason left to hold on. to live on, for the people we all love.

i want my old days to be like that, too. it's okay to lose everything else, but i want to have that strong feeling of love that strengthen me, that makes me hold on, and other ones who have the same feeling for me to be able to be beside me until the very end. isn't it good? really good? nah.

thank you grandma, of the lesson you gave me :)


bodoh, dasar bodoh

jariku masih bersilang dan aku masih terus berharap diam-diam, harapan yang digumamkan karena tak berani diucapkan keras-keras.
harapan tentang kebetulan. bahwa kebetulan akan terjadi, dan Tuhan akan mengaturkannya untukku.
walaupun aku tidak tahu apa yang akan aku lakukan kalau benar Tuhan akhirnya meletakkanku dalam situasi 'kebetulan' itu. aku tidak tahu. mungkin saja aku tidak melakukan apa-apa. hanya bersyukur, karena kebetulan itu dihadirkan untukku.

some of their posts make me go 'eta pisan euuuy!!!', things like that haha pay a visit

because you can always put this on me, that's where your importance lies
thank you

maneh tau ga kenapa di digimon yang jadi pemimpin itu crest courage? soalnya semuanya dimulai dari courage. dari keberanian, baru bisa maju. makanya, keberanian itu selalu paling penting

Hasnan, filsuf digimon hahahaha

"cinta itu kayak utang, makin lama makin berbunga-bunga"

-Muhammad Ilyas. wakaka bolehdeh yas.

dekat, tersembunyi. tersirat, tidak tersurat. sayup, namun tertangkap. berjingkat namun berjejak.
kamu yang berpikir aku tidak tahu.
aku tahu kamu, sedekat pembuluh nadi yang bersemburat biru di balik permukaan kulit. sedekat detak jantung pada telapak tangan yang mencari iramanya. dekat, tidak terpegang. terasa, tidak nyata.
mungkin, aku memang tidak tahu.

after, like, a decade

finally i'm able to reach internet connection and actually post something again! miss this blogsite way too much! :*
my several past weeks were so busy and hectic that i could hardly find any time left to catch a break, even to sleep or to tweet or to browse things through internet. it was like, whoa! work 24/7! go to classes in the morning and afternoon, then move your ass off to selasing/pln and work the rest of the day. then in early dawn, go home, sleep if possible, then get ready for another class. see? that's how my life cycle is. but of course, there's always fun and joy in every second of it. every silly conversation, jokes, midnight talks, stupidity, sooo many things to be grateful of :)
then this is one laid-back weekend (stealing time haha, while actually still supposed to help out at campus), and finally i can check my facebook and blogsite again, oh finally! then, post something again here, and pray that all works in the following 20 days will run smooth, and we can handle any constraints that come in the way, amin :)

keur SD diajar kreatif, mun geus kreatif malah dilarang. kalau ga ada kreasi dari anak seni rupa mah, wisudaan teh sepi, neng

Satpam ITB, saat disuruh ngegusur selasing. hear this, hear this.

hitam biru

semakin malam

larut semakin pekat
langit menenun hitam
aku, aku akan terjaga seperti ini
mengamati jejak yang tak terbaca, hitam yang tak berjeda
tidak ada yang bisa kutemukan
dalam hitam seperti ini aku seolah tidak butuh kawan
terpikat kesendirian
bergabung dengan hitam hingga latar itu pun sempurna tanpa jeda.

sedih sih

/malam2 gawe sehabis uas konstruk

tinceu: parah banget lah tadi, padahal aing udah sumpah gamau ngomong kasar lg, tapi tadi uas konstruk beneran parah pisanlah sampe keluar semua tuh bahasa kasar, fakmen
dira: semua aja anak tpb pada ngomong fakmen sekarang
tinceu: apa sih yang ga nyebar di tpb
dira: yang ga nyebar di tpb? semangat gawe...

ah, coba aja :(

I don’t dream of someone who understands me immediately.

I don’t dream of someone who seems to have known me my whole life, who says, I know, me too; I want someone keen to learn my own strange organization, amazed at what’s revealed; someone who asks, and then what, and then what? But you can’t spend your life hoping that people will ask you the right questions. You must learn to love and answer the questions they already ask. Otherwise you’re dreaming of visiting Venice by driving to Boise, Idaho.

- Elizabeth McCracken.
Good saying, good saying.

oh dear, what's not to like about you?

if only ...

if we had never known each other

if we had never known each other earlier

and you had been stranger with me
since ever
and that coincidence never happened
and the situation never put us together, side by side
and we never engaged a conversation
and we never exchanged our minds

would you see me the way you do now?

or we would be forever stranger
and we'd only know names of each other
without even once we would care
to start a conversation
to exchange minds each other
without even once
you'd care to know me better
without even once
you'd be possible for me to approach

because we have changed on the outer
but what never changed, is every time we had our usual talk
our minds they stay the same
no matter how much we have changed on the outer.

thanks God, the coincidence happened
and we know, yes we know each other.

another epic fail

di jalan pulang, w/ family

d: kang, isiin pulsa dong
k: ih perasaan dena sering bgt sih minta diisiin pulsa! perasaan baru 2 minggu yg lalu deh minta beliin pulsa
d: ih lebay dua minggu, orang udh lmyn lama jg
k: oh bukan dua minggu, satu stgh minggu
d: ih apa-apaan, beneran ko ga sering ah itu mah perasaan akang aja
i: yaudah drpd ribut mendingan mulai sekarang mah dijatah aja, jadi dena cuma bisa minta isiin pulsa tiap awal bulan, biar sama-sama inget kan udh berapa lama tuh sejak terakhir minta pulsa, jadi abis ga abis tiap awal bulan itu jatah pulsa
b: iya bapa setuju
b: jadi aturannya gini de, tiap awal bulan itu jatah pulsa, nah sampai awal bulan berikutnya, kecuali habis, tidak boleh minta pulsa lagi
d: kecuali habis?
b: iya, kalo abis minta lagi
k: yah itu mah sama aja

yes, i am >:)

sedih banget deh

/sehabis latihan voli, yang dapet oleh2 tangan bengkak parah dari jempol sampe sikut, dan jadi paling payah ngeserve gara2 tangannya sakit beeet

tinceu: ah sedihlah aku ko payah banget ya olahraganya bener2 deh
abit: ...Allah kan maha adil ceu, ada kelebihan ada kekurangannya
tinceu: lah gue apa coba kelebihannya
anoy: kelebihan ukuran mata ceu.

hm sial.


woohoooooo, still sticking around the same routines, same business, still as hectic as ever (maybe even more) but of course would be as exciting as always!

hihi, lets start this month with gratefulness to Allah that we're still able to welcome this month, Alhamdulillah :) and to show our gratefulness, lets achieve something waaaaay better than february this month, lets improve more and more in each passing days, yahhhh lets start off this month with positivity
yeah, even without the fair routine :)