
I'd love to call this a coincidence. But it's not. It's just about as random as coming across a random acquaintance on the street. The odds of it happening is just the same, yet we call one a coincidence and another 'just a random occurrence'. We spend some time trying to figure out the hidden meaning within one, yet another does not even leave a trace in our memory.

What sets the two apart?

Perhaps, a wishful thinking. How some parts of the so-called 'coincidence' happen to be more meaningful to us. How we secretly hope that it has a meaning, that perhaps somewhere deep in our subconscious mind, we are hoping to read something between the lines. And in some ways, it's important to us to see it differently, to try to read a plan, to try to claim it a destiny.

Otherwise it would be just another day, another usual day, would it not?

Kenyataan yang sedikit mengecewakan, kebetulan berbicara lebih banyak tentang pengharapan daripada rencana Tuhan.