adalah dapet dosen wali paling private, cuma gw sendirian yg diwaliin sama dosen wali gw. memang sangat random dan aneh sepertinya mulai sekarang setiap perwalian judulnya just the two of us sih. hahaha. yang penting keurus deh gw sama dosen wali gw. amin.
conclusion at the end of july: bulan galau will always be bulan galau. same goes this year, it doesn't change. and after a long while, i think i'm gonna see the rooftop again.
true, a very important question it is. but too much popping this question on your head is no good either. so how about leaving this question for later?
i enjoy a lone trip, because i won't have to engage in a conversation with anyone else but myself. i enjoy how observing little things could lead me to a very deep and serious thought. i think i am a little bit complicated, but somehow i like it. traveling my own mind is the most exciting journey :D
"saya bingung, kenapa orang-orang islam di Indonesia lebih bangga dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris daripada bahasa Arab. denger orang Indonesia baca qur'an, gak ada emosinya sama sekali. kalian ga ngerti apa yang kalian baca, ga ngerti doa apa yang lagi kalian panjatkan. kalau semua umat muslim mengerti isi qur'an, islam pasti bisa jadi lebih maju di dunia ini."
or maybe to be exact, touchdown to cyber life! woohooo i'm back guys! well, haven't been totally back actually. my phone's still inactive due to deposit problem (hahahaha), so still can't text or bbm at the moment. miss my friends so freaking much!!!!!
Semoga aku dapat memaknai nikmat kesempatan yang Kau berikan ini sepantasnya.
i'm not sure you will wait, but anyhow if you won't, then you will never. and i would better know it now than some other time when everything has gone much further than this. by the next sunrise i gotta go, farewell hey brant, i hope you'll wait for me to greet you again in another warm day of july. i hope you'll be doing great, with all things that need to be taken care of in this city. i know you will do.
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