Archive for July 2010


saya suka pagi ini.

terayu jejak.
dan bunyi air pecah.



kesendirian makin lama makin memikat.
setelah saya pikir lagi,
sepertinya tidak ada kesendirian juga.

kamu tau apa yang lebih biru dari laut? atau langit?

on runaway

leave me alone with my thoughts
and a lonely city
get lost and feel less worried
and noone will notice me

am missing

i hate prejudice

i. hate. prejudice.

and those people who judge someone based on his/her gadget and/or the people with whom he/she hangs around with.
so get rid of those skeptical look and statements, please.

champagne supernova

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you when we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Cos people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Cos people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high

next week would be a very very very exciting week :))

i hope everything would go smooth, because i have a super great plan
so please weather, please college-schedule, be nice to me ;)

no action talk only haha so me

ya kemarin saya sempat kesal sekali

bukan pada siapa-siapa
saya kesal karena saya sempat menganggap diri saya sedikit lebih baik,
dan ternyata tidak, karena ketidakmampuan saya untuk bertahan di opini dan prinsip yang saya yakini sendiri.

terimakasih loh ya :)
saya akan belajar dan memperbaiki diri lagi.

helplessly helpful #naon

halo, saya bukan mario teguh atau siapapunlah sebut itu motivator penuh kata-kata mutiara, saya bukan mereka yang bisa kasih solusi paling menenangkan dan paling inspiratif sedunia. maaf untuk itu. tapi saya punya satu hal yang bisa saya kasih dan ga mungkin dikasih mario teguh atau siapapunlah sebut itu motivator penuh kata-kata mutiara: saya punya waktu, saya siap mendengar apapun, dan saya peduli, dan saya ingin sekali membantu kamu. saya bisa dengerin kamu kapanpun, selama apapun, dan itu bukan karena kamu ingin saya mendengar, tapi karena saya peduli untuk mendengar dan untuk tahu.

jadi, tolong bagi kesedihan dan beban kamu juga untuk saya, ya.

rada rada curhat

something in life i've just learned, and i find very saddening:

we can't make everybody happy, and we can't be everybody's sweetheart

being in confrontation with other people is something i've always avoided since forever. take a simple example, when i have different opinion with somebody, and discussions will more likely lead to arguing-emotionally, i prefer stay silent than continue sticking with my opinion and trigger a more tempered discussion.
and i've known that i can't make everybody happy. it's okay, i just hope i won't have any problem with any people.
but now, i do. have a problem. with some certain people. and i'm not even a part of the main problem!
it saddens me. i don't have any problem with them. but it seems that they do, they think i am part of their problem.
oh please exclude me from this.
i don't have any problem.
well, but i have a problem thinking someone considers me as a problem.
it's a problem for me.

oh and again, don't ask me how it started.

dream on

saya sedih baca salah satu post yang tersimpan di archive blog saya.

sedih sekali.

temui saya lagi ya, untuk bertukar mimpi baru lagi
saya ingin dengar cerita kalian, dan melihat kembali semangat di wajah kalian yang merupakan salah satu penyemangat bagi saya juga :)
dan intonasi yang berapi-api, dan raut wajah riang saat menceritakan dan saling berbagi mimpi itu
saya ingin dengar lagi, sebab itu salah satu penyemangat saya
penyemangat saya yang paling besar
mimpi apapun baik. semoga kita lancar mengejarnya, ya :)

ya Allah, jadikanlah kami orang yang pandai ikhlas, pandai bersyukur

pandai melihat nikmat dibalik ujian, dan pandai melihat ujian dibalik nikmat

wandering back


mabal pertama kali di SMA 3 haha.
masih inget. banget. waktu itu. pulang upacara something di balkot, yg lain pada jalan kaki balik ke sekolah, eeh kita pun melipir ke BIP (jaman itu kan bip belum alay ya eheheh).
makan di McD. terus nonton tp hmm lupa nonton apa, perasaan film horor da haha.
terus pulang-pulang ternyata ketauan mabal haha haha aduh gimana sih pertama kali mabal di SMA langsung ketauan coba ckck garagara seseorang yang sebut saja dia ABU yang dengan polosnya nyebut kalo kita melipir abis upacara hmm. dan akhirnya pulang-pulang kita pun langsung ke BK (higssss ceudihnya nama aku ada di catatan anak nakal (mereun)) dan tandatangan sesuatu di buku sesuatu haha ga ngerti terus dapet tugas tambahan deh hmm.

terimakasih facebook atas foto-fotonya yang sukses bikin wander-back-in-time.

tiba-tiba kepikiran buat ganti url blog.


one random thing

i want to get to know someone with some kind of mental disorder.

weird. but true, i really do.
tapi sebenernya bingung dan agak gak siap juga sih kalo ternyata beneran jengjeng ada kesempatan, dan sebenernya gatau untuk apa.
cuma pengen aja.
i have a big interest in knowing how the world is in their eyes.
ah, that's right, i used to dream about being... you know, that certain profession haha --> sengaja pake kata ganti cenah biar gajelas.

what a day

kemarin hari yang bikin campur aduk emosi.

ah, Tuhan.
bisa ya, ada satu hari dimana ada begitu banyak kebahagiaan dan kekecewaan dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
dimana kata 'selamat' diikuti dengan kata 'semangat', saling bergantian.

aaaaah i'm going to give this to you all my friendsssss *hugshugshugs*
i join in your happiness all, i join in your sadness as well.
though i'm just one more people to appear in your timeline, or appear in your inbox, or whatever,
but really from my deepest heart, i am so, so much concerned about you all
i want to add up your happiness and i want to encourage you to feel better,
though i'll just end up being another one in your timeline, or in your inbox, or whatever

aaaaah ya Tuhan
either what You had chosen for us all is the one we have always wanted or not, please help us to see, beyond the euphoric feeling or beyond the disappointment, the beauty of the path You had chosen.
please help us cope with our emotions.
and always learn to be grateful :)

terimakasih Tuhan untuk pengalaman batin yang luar biasa kayak gini.
sekali lagi ah cinicini mau peyuuuuk temen-temeeeeen *hugs*

oh kamu marah.

oh dia marah.
tapi, who cares? :))
do anything you want, as you please.

you know what i want to do?

then, get all of these fucking things out of my mind

jealous |ˈjeləs|adjectivefeeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages : he grew jealous of her success.feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship : a jealous boyfriend.fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions : Howard is still a little jealous of his authority | they kept a jealous eye over their interests.(of God) demanding faithfulness and exclusive worship.
envious |ˈenvēəs|adjectivefeeling or showing envy : I'm envious of their happiness | an envious glance.See note at jealous .

for a long time, i thought jealous and envious is two similar, but different adjectives, and they both have slightly different meanings.i thought these two words can't easily replace each other.but well, the dictionary disagreed with me.ah, tapi tetep ya kata 'envious' kedengeran lebih baik, haha.ameliorasi-peyorasi kali ya?

everything will be fine, eventually.

so the problem is: when is eventually, to be exact?
well maybe this very second
maybe tomorrow
maybe weeks later
maybe it will take months
or years

but it will be fine.
isn't it a relief? just knowing that: yes, in we-don't-know-when-to-be-exact, everything will be just fine

first after twelve years

kemaren ke sekolah.
pake jins, sweater.
terus pas belok ke jalan kalimantan, woo banyak gerombolan anak SMA yang seragamnya masih pada baguuuus banget dan masih agak kegedean.
ooh yang plist, masih pada bawa-bawa prototype.
satu gugus pula, haha.
masuk ke sekolah, hmmm makin banyak diserang seragam-seragam.
oh iya, tahun ajaran kemaren, saya juga masih putih-abu.
sekarang? jins, sweater.
dan terus tiba-tiba sadar.
setelah dua belas tahun, ini tahun ajaran pertama saya tanpa seragam.
setelah setiap tahun menyambut tahun ajaran baru dengan putih merah, berganti putih biru, lalu putih abu, pokoknya selalu seragam.
tapi tidak tahun ini.

hmm ya Allah semoga lancar deh
tahun pertama tidak-berseragam :)

viva la furia roja

as fifa world cup champion
for the first time

my (second) favorite team makes it finally
woohoo so happy :">

to make it even greater, i watched it with my fellow friends
and the atmosphere
it was so chaotic
it was so exciting
it was so tense
and finally... it was SO euphoric!!!
had a great time!!!!!!!!

see you in 2014!

rasa percaya pun butuh menggandeng kata menjaga.


crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis blaaaarrrrrrrrrggggh

we played well for the farewell

so, yesterday was the last.

maybe not the best.
but still a very great 'ending'.
and, just like all the 3-year of togetherness with you all, worth-remembering.

though maybe from now on we won't be able to gather like we do now,
but for you all, it will never be a goodbye.

see you?
thank you for being such a great part of my adolescent life, of my high school times :)

another present from SMAN 3 Bandung 2010: KPA 3 '29 :)


when i see random people on the street, my mind draws a timeline; guessing his/her life story up until now.

i don't know why. it doesn't happen everytime. but when i don't have any other activity left, then there goes it. the staring-and-guessing-life-story activity.
i believe that every single people carries something special. problems happened in their past and nurtured them. i believe they have went through pain and agony before - well, some of them successfully hide it all in their smiling, happy faces, some others don't.
that makes me curious everytime. every single people and their hilarious life. and it gives me an endless thought.
of life. mine. and others as well.

what i want for my holiday.

  • road trip. speeding, then driving slowly. mulai dari ribut, sampe semua tidur kecuali supir. mulai dari bercanda-bercanda di jalan, sampe tegang gara-gara jalannya udah mulai gila haha. uh it's gotta be fun.
  • trip with public transportation. kereta. atau bis. dan gak tahu mau turun dimana.
  • gunung, atau pantai, anything.
  • nonton bareng final piala dunia, muka gaboleh bersih harus bercoreng bendera finalisnya <-- keukeuh yg ini
  • wisata kuliner gila-gilaan --> but i need unlimited money for this, so.... nearly impossible :(
  • my friends. my group of friends. anywhere, as long as with them.
  • and...... somewhere, with my family. a whole day. sounds fun :)


  1. i like it when somebody gives me a special nickname ;>
  2. my favorite pair of shoes is my old and ugly sneakers -> yg setiap kali orang liat aku pake, langsung bilang 'BELI YANG BARU CEPET'
  3. whenever a friend treat me like a little or bigger sister, i feel closer to her/him.
  4. i crave for a pet. OH PLEASE
  5. i have a tumblr. but just for following. and it's a secret. haha.

when it comes to you.
and me, but never us.
i lost myself.
because i have better idea in my mind. about this.
and i really want to see how it will work.
um, never mind.

defenders :)

i admire strikers just like everyone else but i really, really like defenders.
because they resist the temptation to go front and be under the spotlight - scoring goals, giving assists - and they remain there, back on the defense line.
when the team wins, they're not given as much credits as keeper, or strikers - of course they are given compliments but they're not 'the star' or 'the hero'.
but when the team loses, they're the first ones to blame - for not keeping the 'last line' safe.

defenders are great. they do great things, not under the spotlight.

what i just read

uh uh. another one from mitch albom.
i like it, this book rang not only a bell in my head, but lots of bells.
reading this book, i realized that i know so little.
life is indeed a very complicated lesson, right?
but at least, i'm an eager learner :p

hal-hal yang perlu saya ingat

  1. mudah untuk mengingatkan diri untuk bangkit saat sedang jatuh atau sedih, tapi sulit untuk menjaga diri dari ekspektasi yang terlalu tinggi saat terlalu senang.
  2. perasaan kecewa yang datang setelah senang itu lebih sulit diatasi.
  3. menunjukkan emosi berlebih biasanya diakhiri dengan penyesalan.
  4. rasa syukur membuat kita melihat hidup dari perspektif yang sama sekali baru. dan jauh lebih baik.
  5. kadang kita terlalu ingin mendapatkan apa yang kita tidak miliki sehingga lupa untuk mempertahankan apa yang sudah kita miliki

conan conan

suka banget sama detective conan dari SD selalu ngikutin komiknya dan tiap mampir ke rumah sodara selalu numpang baca conan walopun udah dibaca berkali-kali sampe udah apal, kalo ke tempat-tempat kayak zoe yang cuma buat ngautis kl lagi ga berkawan jg pasti pinjemnya conan gatau kenapa hahaha.
walopun rada kesel jg sih, conan ko ga beres-beres masalahnya, sering udah dekeet bgt sama si kawanan jubah hitam, eh tapi gagal maning gagal maning (bahasa tuyul dan mba yul abislah) terus dari aku SD sampe skrg mau kuliah, ga ada yang tambah gede coba tokohnya, angger kelas 1 SD hahaha. tapi tetep gituloh diikutin jg ceritanya haha ga bosen-bosen :>
bayangin lah di one manga aja ceritanya udh sampe chapter 740 gt ya kalo ga salah dan blm ada tanda2 mau selesai uwo uwoo -__- ah tapi tetep lah suka banget sm conan ehehe.


suka banget postingannya reaca yg ini :)

take a peek on her blogger site, everyone, ;)

:* :* :*

blogger sungguh seperti candu setiap kali aku online membuatku ingin membukanya lalu klik new post lalu meracau sepuasnya ih ya ampun gila lah itu ya tulisan NEW POST ada guna-gunanya kali ingin diklik terus ingin posting terus uwooo I LOVE YOU OTAKLEMAH

ih ya ampun. ternyata. truth or truth sama in the past yg waktu itu. udah setaun yang lalu. ngegalau sama geng genteng di genteng rumah jg. nyaris setaun yang lalu --> lupa tanggal pastinya. penampilan fpi, tmii, semua juga udah lewat setaun yang lalu. naik kelas tiga, nyaris setaun yang lalu. tapi, masih inget jelas banget loh rasanya waktu itu kayak gimana. masih inget perasaannya kayak gimana pas ngetweet tentang itu, pas bikin postingan di blog tentang itu. ingeet banget, ga blurry kayak ingetan yang udah lama, bener-bener masih jelas. huaah, waktu ternyata cepet banget ya berlalunya?

baru ngeh tadi siang pas pulang latihan:

selamat satu tahun, in the past!!!

yoah ternyata geng yang sangat random sekali ini sudah berusia satu tahun wihiiiiiw B-)

merger dua kamar pas penampilan depkes tea muhaha terus truth or truth di kamar terus berlanjut ngegalau di ayunan halaman belakang villa-nya syifa, yang di halaman belakang itu baru galaunya maksimal uwouwo :">
haha walopun random tapi selamat ya in the past! se mo ga suk ses yeaaaay >:)

exceed the limit

jadi perjalanan itu melelahkan, bahkan bagi setiap telinga yang hanya mendengar dan bagi setiap mata yang hanya melihat. lalu orang-orang maklum jika kamu berhenti, berhenti disini. mereka akan maklum dan bahkan jika kamu berhenti tidak akan ada kata 'sayang sekali' atau decak kecewa karena perjalanan itu tidak kau lanjutkan.

tapi aku minta kamu teruskan saja. karena kamu bisa.
jangan berhenti hanya karena orang-orang maklum jika kamu berhenti.
lewati batas itu.



eh ketemu lagi bulan juli.

ini kan bulan galau ya taun lalu? huahuahuahua
pelislah jul (sokasik) apaan sih ini masa kutukan coba, masa tiap taun km jadi bulan galau aku teyuuuuus
tp taun ini (kalopun ternyata emg galau lg) harus lebih dewasa aaaaaaaaah yeah \m/

please distract me

or else i am gonna die, definitely.

pelis yang punya kucing bagus, kawinin lah terus anaknya kasihin gw --> pengen punya peliharaan bgt tapi gamau bayar HAHA cewe pelit -..-